Environment Variables

Environment Variables

Environment variables are stored safely in our database, so you can focus more on developing code instead of taking care of security.

To create a new environment variable, go to the app in the main bar (on top).

Click on Easy for Jira

On the left side, click on the configuration Cog image-20240318-002505.png

Here you can manage your variables.



Once you create, you can’t edit it, so if you want to use the same key, delete your existing one and recreate. This is designed like this for security measures.

Once you create your variables, you can see them in the table below as follows:


Using my environment variables on my code

On your code, you can call the variables as follows

openai.api_key = env["OPENAI_API_KEY"]

This also works for the Code Repository

You can / should reference your keys on the repository.



Future State

We are working to have an extra layer of security by checking your code before saving it and automatically creating an environment variable for that, that will be available in next patches.

Also, the UI in the configurations section will be revamped.



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