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Agents are configurable objects you can have to scale ChatGPT.

To configure an agent, all you need is an OpenAI API key and some basic configuration to make him understand what you want to do.

The usage of an agent can be for interacting with tickets (by getting data to edit tickets) or even as a JSM chat bot, that will consume your information and use as a response.

To invoke an agent:

Code Block
# DeclareBase your Agent
agent = Agent('Smith')
agent.set_token('your openai api token')
agent.set_role('AI program in the Matrix')

# Add Instructions
agent.add_instruction('your written instruction 1')
agent.add_instruction('your written instruction 2')

# Provide Knowledge
agent.set_knowledge('any string')

# If you want to scale it on issues, create a text field and pass set it as
agent.set_state_field('customfield_100xx') # with your actual field Id.
agent.set_state('Investigating') # this will update the field on issues so you can query the agent state via jql

# Ask something to your agentConfiguration
agent_name = "Support Bot"

# Getting your Agent
agent = Agent(api_key, agent_name)

# Set his knowledge
agent.set_system_instructions("Please provide a response based on the examples.")
agent.add_example_output("I'm sorry to hear that. Let me see what I can do to help.")
agent.add_example_output("Thank you for reaching out. I'll assist you with this.")
agent.add_example_output("Sure, I can help you with that. Let's find a solution together.")

# Get your response
response = agent.processget_response('any string input'"I'm having trouble accessing my account.")

The base configuration to your agent is:

Code Block
modeltemperature = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k'
max_tokens = 0.5256
CFGtop_MAX_TOKENSp = 120001
CFGfrequency_TOP_Ppenalty = 0.70
CFGpresence_FREQUENCY_PENALTYpenalty = 0.3

To override any of those configurations, do the following:

Code Block
agent.model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k'
agent.CFG_TEMPERATURE temperature = 0.541
agent.CFGmax_MAX_TOKENStokens = 11000256
agent.CFGtop_TOP_Pp = 0.51
agent.CFGfrequency_FREQUENCY_PENALTYpenalty = 0.0
agent.CFGpresence_PRESENCE_PENALTYpenalty = 0.0